Salve! I’m Irene, founder of Satura Lanx. Since 2019, I’ve helped more than 500 students navigate the basics of the Latin language and reach their personal fluency goals thanks to my unique teaching approach inspired by the Direct Method, Comprehensible Input, and some of the best language teachers in the world. I can help you, too, to move from to
Some of the projects I’ve been part of…
Languages exist to bring humans together, and Latin constantly reminds us that we all share humanity. I met some of the extraordinary people that are in my life (some are alive, some live through their works) thanks to the Latin language.
Nature, colors, music, words, and languages are all manifestations of the beauty in this world. Latin is one of the ways you get to experience that bliss, and I’d love to lead you to its discovery.
It all started with Latin, then it snowballed into teaching, singing, hiking, running, writing, cooking, sports, psychology, web design, the natural sciences, marketing, technology, languages, the human mind, etc. I will always be a learner, that’s why I can’t help being a teacher.
The ability to focus, to stay in the moment, to decide what’s worth our attention and what isn’t, and dispose of our time are the real riches of today. Learning, living and reading Latin is one of the best reminders I know.
Graded readers, vocabulary lessons, Latin sayings, riddles, interviews… All in spoken Latin and mostly beginner-friendly!
You can find all of this (and much more) on my YouTube channel.
I love listening to podcasts, and they can be extraordinary resources for language learning. Here are my three Latin podcasts: pick the most appropriate for your level and start listening!
If you are eager to taste a piece of authentic Latin literature, I’m sure you will like my gift for you.
Click on the picture below to download a graded reading of Catullus, carmen III (a famous poem he wrote on the death of a pet sparrow) and a video lesson I prepared on the same poem. It’s completely free and suitable for beginners.
Irene, do you offer Latin lessons? Where can I find more of your 3-level readings? Will you publish other videos where you teach with LLPSI?
These are questions I get asked every day, and they deserve an answer.
I don’t offer any private lessons or tutoring programs at the moment. But there’s good news: I prepared a complete video course where my students also get personal support. The course is based on LLPSI (Familia Romana by Hans H. Ørberg), and includes lots of additional readings and complementary resources.
It’s only possible to enroll in the course during certain times of the year. The best way to be informed of the next opening is to sign up for my free Catullus lesson. You’ll start receiving my wonderful* emails and you’ll get regular updates about my courses when enrollments are open.
* I wouldn’t call them wonderful if you didn’t write me every single day telling me how much you love reading them:
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